What’s New in the Official Blackberry OS 7.1 ?

Blackberry OS 7.1

RIM will announce about the newest Blackberry OS, BlackBerry OS7.1 (of course this is only available for BlackBerry devices that are now running OS7)

According to RIM, the latest OS7.1 will soon be released by the provider in the near future. Just look at the website for updates OS7.1.

More Features On Blackberry OS 7.1 :

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[Official] What’s New On The Newest BBM ?

Blackberry Messenger

Well, after RIM updated their BBM 6.1 from Beta to be Official yesterday, now we will discuss what’s new in this new official version of BBM.
In this official one, they added more emotions and avatars than the beta one.

Here, we will tell you what’s the features of the BBM v. 😀

More about Blackberry Messenger

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BOLT Browser – Discontinued

Bolt Browser is one of the free phone browser that famous, well known, and economical in using the data when browsing. Confused why your Bolt Browser always error in connect to the internet ? Then here is the explaination from The Bolt Browser :

Dear BOLT User,

The free BOLT mobile browsing service has been discontinued. Unfortunately, the economic circumstances prevented us from running a free service going forward. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your loyalty and support.

The BOLT Team

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